De-light is a handy carrying LED projector made to enrich your mobile entertainment experience. It is made of hard plastic with soft rubber control on the rear stem of the 'bulb' shape. Let's enjoy the easy group gaming, photo and video sharing on your mobile devices.
Press/release: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
"De-light...bulbs are no longer meant for light... 灯泡大小的LED投影仪... 如何定义科技的发展..."
NOTCOT.ORG///Yanko Design///探奇启思集///Gadzetomania///ATCN///The design blog///Trend hunter///Ubergizmo///About projectors///TechNews.AM ///爱稀奇/// concepts///拜物教///
quite interesting idea, smart and fun!
Nice design. Hope I can use it one day.
Yes, I see the photos but how does it work? How about a VIDEO on this?
I get the sense that this is not a common configuration, nor is it especially affordable.
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